The Grand Master Of The National Grand Lodge Of Greece Most Worshipful Brother Ioannis Benetatos
38 Years of Growth Through Positive Thinking and Action

⚜ Origin

The Origin of the NGLG is fully Regular according the UGLE CONTITUTION , BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR GRAND LODGE RECOGNITION, September 4, 1929 , rule 1. “.. Regularity of origin; i.e. each Grand Lodge shall have been established lawfully by a duly recognized Grand Lodge or by three or more regularly constituted Lodges…”

On the 7 th of June 1986, six Lodges of the Grand Lodge of Greece decided to denounce that Grand Lodge due to continued irregularities, illegal disciplinary procedures and infringement to higher degree bodies. Those Lodges were “Palaion Patron Germanos”, “Acropolis”, “Parthenon”, “Omonoia”, “Miaoulis” and “Pistis”. The representatives of these six Lodges, all present, appointed by the latter, after declaring unanimously the definite exit from the aforementioned federation, founded the National Grand Lodge of Greece, voted its first Constitution, and elected its first Council and Grand Master, Stephanos Paipetis.

The inauguration ceremony was led by the late R.W.Bro. William R. J. Eve, Past Grand Deacon of the UGLE and first Deputy Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Greece in the city of Athens

⚜ Recognitions

 88 Αμοιβαίες Αναγνωρίσεις με Κανονικές Μεγάλες Στοές σε όλο τον κόσμο, οι περισσότερες εκ των οποίων αναγνωρίζονται από τις 3 Μητρικές Στοές..
Mutual Recognition with Grand Lodge of Scotland and Grand Lodge of Ireland , the 2 of the 3 Mother Grand Lodges and mutual Recognition with UGLE the period 1993 – 1999.
NGLG participates to all important Regular Grand Lodge Conferences ( World , European GM and GSec and visitor to CMI )
60 Grand Lodges in amity with us , are members in CMI

⚜ Facts

    • NGLG is the only Grand Lodge in Greece with continuous regularity since its establishment and never had withdrawn recognition for irregular behaviour.

    • It's an honor that the regularity is confirmed and accepted by the 3 Mother Grand Lodges:

    UGLE & Grand Lodge of Scotland & Grand Lodge of Ireland

    • The Grand Lodge of Scotland welcomed over 60 delegates from 41 different Grand Lodges to the 35th European Grand Secretaries and Grand Chancellors Conference at 11 and 12 October 2024.

      They met to discuss “The Importance of Freemasonry in the Modern World,” and the Grand Chancellor of the National Grand Lodge of Greece spoke on “Embracing the Wisdom of Our Elders.”

35th European Grand Secretaries and Grand Chancellors Conference 2024


Grand Lodge Of Ireland, 24 Nov 2023


⚜ Message from the Grand Chancellor

The office of the Grand Chancellor was established on September 21, 2021, and R.W. Bro. D. Sk. has been serving as the third Grand Chancellor since May 20, 2023. The Grand Chancellor consistently fulfills his duties, including the management of external relations, participation in Grand Assemblies and Conferences, and the exchange of Grand Representatives, with strict adherence to the ancient landmarks as outlined in the Constitution (Rule 32). These duties pertain to the relations of the Grand Lodge with Regular Grand Lodges worldwide.

CMI Visitor
World Conference Participation

Content is protected by National Lodge of Greece!
