Grand Master’s Greeting for 2025
With honor and responsibility, we welcome 2025, continuing united for progress and personal growth.
65+ plus: Speech by the Grand Chancellor of the National Grand Lodge of Greece
35th European Grand Secretaries & Grand Chancellors Conference Edinburgh, Scotland Friday 11th October & Saturday 12th October 2024
Proposal to the G.L.G. for common actions and solutions.
Proposal for unity in Greek Freemasonry: mutual recognition, shared territory, or a United Grand Lodge. Efforts continue despite challenges.
“Plus One”…
Esteemed Brethren, let us all become the torches that will bring the light of Freemasonry to yet another worthy man.
Message from the Grand Master
Welcome to the National Grand Lodge of Greece. Together, let us strengthen Freemasonry, embracing brotherhood and illuminating the path of virtue.

Content is protected by National Lodge of Greece!
