ΑΜΟΙΒΑΙΕΣ ΑΝΑΓΝΩΡΙΣΕΙΣ ΘΥΡΕΟΣ ΧΩΡΑ ΟΝΟΜΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΣΤΟΑΣ ΕΤΟΣ ΙΔΡΥΣΕΩΣ ΙΡΛΑΝΔΙΑ [ ΙΡΛ ] Grand Lodge Of Ireland 1725 ΣΚΩΤΙΑ [ ΗΒΡ ] The Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., of Scotland 1736 ΙΤΑΛΙΑ [ ΙΤΑ ] The Regular Grand Lodge of Italy 1993 ΕΣΘΟΝΙΑ [ ΕΣΤ ] The Grand Lodge, F.&A.M. of Estonia 1999 ΛΕΤΟΝΙΑ [ ΛΕΤ ] The Grand Lodge of Latvia 2003 ΜΟΝΑΚΟ [ ΜΟΝ ] National Regular Grand Lodge of the Principality of Monaco 2011 ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑ [ ΓΕΩ ] The Grand Lodge of Georgia 2015 ΘΥΡΕΟΣ ΧΩΡΑ ΟΝΟΜΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΣΤΟΑΣ ΕΤΟΣ ΙΔΡΥΣΕΩΣ ΝΟΤΙΑ ΑΦΡΙΚΗ [ ZAF / WC ] The Grand Lodge of South Africa, A.F.&A.M. 1772 ΛΙΒΕΡΙΑ [ LBR ] The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Liberia 1867 ΑΚΤΗ ΕΛΕΦΑΝΤΟΣΤΟΥ [ CIV ] The Grand Lodge of the Ivory Coast 1989 ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΤΟΓΚΟ [ TGO ] The National Grand Lodge of Togo 1992 ΜΠΟΥΡΚΙΝΑ ΦΑΣΟ [ BFA ] The Grand Lodge of Burkina Faso 1997 ΓΚΑΝΑ [ GHA ] The Grand Lodge of Antient F.&A.M. of Ghana 2008 ΚΟΝΓΚΟ [ COG ] The Grand Lodge of Congo in Brazzaville ---- ΝΙΓΗΡΙΑ [ NGA ] The Grand Lodge of Nigeria ---- ΘΥΡΕΟΣ ΧΩΡΑ ΟΝΟΜΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΣΤΟΑΣ ΕΤΟΣ ΙΔΡΥΣΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΙΝΕΣ Gran Logia Soberana Del Archipielago Filipino 1925 ΘΥΡΕΟΣ ΧΩΡΑ ΟΝΟΜΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΣΤΟΑΣ ΕΤΟΣ ΙΔΡΥΣΕΩΣ ΜΑΣΑΧΟΥΣΕΤΗ [ ΗΠΑ/ΜΑ ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Massachusetts 1775 ΟΧΑΙΟ [ ΗΠΑ/ΟΧ ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio F.&A.M. 1849 ΟΝΤΑΡΙΟ [ KAN/ON ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F.&A.M. of the Province of Ontario 1856 ΜΙΣΙΓΚΑΝ [ ΗΠΑ/ΜΙ ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan, F.&A.M. 1865 Β. ΚΑΡΟΛΙΝΑ [ ΗΠΑ/ΒΚ ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina F.&A.M. 1870 ΚΟΝΕΚΤΙΚΑΤ [ ΗΠΑ/ΚΟ ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut F.&A.M 1873 ΜΕΡΙΛΑΝΤ [ ΗΠΑ/ΜΕ ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Maryland 1876 ΠΟΥΕΡΤΟ ΡΙΚΟ [ ΗΠΑ/ΠΡ ] The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico 1885 ΟΥΑΣΙΝΓΚΤΟΝ [ ΗΠΑ/ΟΥ ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F.&A.M. of Washington & Jurisdiction 1903 ΑΛΑΣΚΑ [ ΗΠΑ/ΑΛ ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska F.&A.M. 1972 ΠΕΝΣΥΛΒΑΝΙΑ [ ΗΠΑ/ΠΕ ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania ---- ΘΥΡΕΟΣ ΧΩΡΑ ΟΝΟΜΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΣΤΟΑΣ ΕΤΟΣ ΙΔΡΥΣΕΩΣ ΒΕΝΕΖΟΥΕΛΑ [ VEN / DF ] The Grand Lodge of the Republic of Venezuela, A.F.&A.M. 1824 CMI ΒΟΛΙΒΙΑ [ BOL ] The Grand Lodge of Bolivia 1829 CMI ΔΟΜΙΝΙΚΑΝΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ [ DOM ] The Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic 1858 CMI ΓΟΥΑΤΕΜΑΛΑ [ GTM ] The Grand Lodge of Guatemala 1873 CMI ΠΕΡΟΥ [ PER ] The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the Republic of Peru 1882 CMI ΝΙΚΑΡΑΓΟΥΑ [ NIC / MN ] The Sovereign Symbolic Grand Lodge of Nicaragua 1907 ΕΛ ΣΑΛΒΑΔΟΡ [ SLV / SS ] The 'Cuscatlán' Grand Lodge of the Republic of El Salvador 1912 CMI ΕΚΟΥΑΔΟΡ [ ECU / G ] The Grand Lodge of Ecuador 1921 CMI ΜΠΑΡΜΠΑΝΤΟΣ [ BRB ] The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F.&A.M. of the Caribbean 1993 ΜΠΕΛΙΖ [ BLZ ] The Grand Lodge of Belize A.F. & A.M. ---- ΘΥΡΕΟΣ ΧΩΡΑ ΟΝΟΜΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΣΤΟΑΣ ΕΤΟΣ ΙΔΡΥΣΕΩΣ ΡΙΟ ΓΚΡΑΝΤΕ ΝΤΟ ΣΟΥΛ [ BRA / RS ] The Grand Orient of Rio Grande do Sul 1893 CMI ΜΙΝΑΣ ΖΕΡΑΙΣ [ BRA / MG ] The Grand Orient of Minas Gerais 1944 CMI ΣΑΝΤΑ ΚΑΤΑΡΙΝΑ [ BRA / SC ] The Grand Orient of Santa Catarina 1950 CMI ΜΑΤΟ ΓΚΡΟΣΟ [ BRA / MT ] The Grand Orient of the State of Mato Grosso 1972 CMI ΣΕΑΡΑ [ BRA / CE ] The Grand Orient of Ceara 1973 ΜΑΡΑΝΙΑΟ [ BRA / MA ] The Grand Orient of the State of Maranhão 1973 CMI ΡΙΟ ΝΤΕ ΤΖΑΝΕΙΡΟ [ BRA / RJ ] The Grand Orient of Rio de Janeiro 1974 CMI ΑΛΑΓΚΟΑΣ [ BRA / AL ] The Grand Orient of Alagoas 1981 ΣΑΟ ΠΑΟΛΟ [ BRA / SP ] The Grand Orient of Paulista 1981 CMI ΠΙΑΟΥΙ [ BRA / PI ] The Grand Orient of Piauí 1986 ΓΚΟ'Ι'ΑΣ [ BRA / GO ] The Grand Orient of Goias 2002 ΑΜΑΠΑ [ BRA / AP ] The Amapan Grand Orient 2005 ΑΜΑΖΟΝΑΣ [ BRA / AM ] The Amazonian Grand Orient 2011 CMI ΠΑΡΑ [ BRA / PA ] The Grand Orient of Pará 2012 ΡΟΡΑΪΜΑ [ BRA / RR ] The Grand Orient of Roraima 2015 ΑΚΡΕ [ BRA / AC ] The Grand Orient of the State of Acre 2016 ΟΜΟΣΠΟΝΔΙΑΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ [ BRA / DF ] The Grand Orient Masonic of the Federal District 2021 ΘΥΡΕΟΣ ΧΩΡΑ ΟΝΟΜΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΣΤΟΑΣ ΕΤΟΣ ΙΔΡΥΣΕΩΣ ΠΑΡΑΪΜΠΑ [ BRA / PB ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Paraíba 1927 ΠΕΡΝΑΜΠΟΥΚΟ [ BRA / PE ] The Grand Lodge of Pernambuco 1932 CMI ΠΑΡΑΝΑ [ BRA / PR ] The Grand Lodge of Paraná 1941 CMI ΠΙΑΟΥΙ [ BRA / PI ] The Grand Lodge of Piauí 1948 CMI ΕΣΠΙΡΙΤΟ ΣΑΝΤΟ [ BRA / ES ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Espirito Santo 1970 CMI ΡΟΝΤΟΝΙΑ [ BRA / RO ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Rondônia 2019 CMI ΟΜΟΣΠΟΝΔΙΑΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ [ BRA / DF ] The Grand Lodge of the Federal District 2021 CMI ΘΥΡΕΟΣ ΧΩΡΑ ΟΝΟΜΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΣΤΟΑΣ ΕΤΟΣ ΙΔΡΥΣΕΩΣ [ MEX / CX ] The Valley of Mexico Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M. 1862 CMI [ MEX / CO ] The 'Benito Juárez' Grand Lodge, A.F.&.A.M, of the State of Coahuila 1890 CMI [ MEX / SL ] The Grand Lodge of the Sovereign and Independent State of 'El Potosí,' A.F.&A.M. 1891 CMI [ MEX / TB ] The 'Restoration' Grand Lodge of the State of Tabasco 1923 CMI [ MEX / QT ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Querétaro, A.F.&A.M., A.A.S.R. 1924 [ MEX / CM ] The Grand Lodge of Campeche, A.F.&A.M., A.A.S.R. 1928 [ MEX / YU ] The 'Eastern Peninsula' Grand Lodge of the State of Yucatán 1928 [ MEX / QT ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Querétaro, A.A.S.R. 1934 CMI [ MEX / HG ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Hidalgo, México, A.F.&A.M., A.A.S.R. 1940 CMI [ MEX / HG ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Hidalgo 1940 [ MEX / MI ] The 'Lázaro Cárdenas' Grand Lodge of the State of Michoacán 1969 CMI [ MEX / BC ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Baja California, A.F.&A.M. 1969 [ MEX / QR ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Andrés Quintana Roo 1980 CMI [ MEX / SI ] The Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., of the State of Sinaloa 1985 CMI [ MEX / GT ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Guanajuato 1994 [ MEX / MO ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Morelos 1997 [ MEX / TL ] The Grand Lodge of the State of Tlaxcala, A.F.&A.M. ---- ΘΥΡΕΟΣ ΧΩΡΑ ΟΝΟΜΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΗΣ ΣΤΟΑΣ ΕΤΟΣ ΙΔΡΥΣΕΩΣ ΚΟΛΟΜΒΙΑ [ COL / ATL ] The National Grand Lodge of Colombia 1918 CMI ΚΑΡΤΑΧΕΝΑ [ COL / BOL ] The National Grand Lodge of Colombia in Cartagena 1920 CMI ΜΠΟΓΚΟΤΑ [ COL / DC ] The Grand Lodge of Colombia in Bogotá 1922 CMI ΚΑΛΙ [ COL / VAC ] The Western Grand Lodge of Colombia in Cali 1935 CMI ΚΟΥΚΟΥΤΑ [ COL / NSA ] The Eastern Grand Lodge of Colombia, 'Francisco De Paula Santander,' in Cúcuta 1945 CMI ΣΑΝΤΑ ΜΑΡΤΑ [ COL / MAG ] The Benjamín Herrera Grand Lodge in Santa Marta 1970 ΜΠΟΥΚΑΡΑΜΑΝΓΚΑ [ COL / SAN ] The Grand Lodge of the Andes in Bucaramanga 1972 CMI